"SUPPORT WITH TRAINER" training program consists of two parts (if you are not yet a member): 

FIRST FIVE intro package        225,00 EUR
- 5 personal trainings in 30 days
SUPPORT WITH TRAINER monthly fee for  120,00 EUR*
- You will become an OMA and have monthly membership
- includes individual training progam for a month and bilateral communication with trainer
- includes one personal training in OMAklubi or through our online training system
* NB! You can add more personal trainings or even small gorup fitness trainings to the membership, the price of the monthly fee will be according. 

What if I am already an OMA? 
You can add SUPPORT WITH TRAINER to Your membership and You can also come and train individually in our Strength Room. 
"SUPPORT WITH TRAINER" in membership monthly fee  60,00 EUR

                                               200,00 EUR/month
- includes SUPPORT WITH TRAINER program
- includes up to 28 individual trainings in OMAklubi's Strength Room


  • You like to be the master of own time?
  • You have a possibility train at home, outside or in Your personal gym?
  • You like what we do in OMAklubi but You can't come here so often ?
If You answered to at least one question with "YES" then the following text is meant for You!

Now You can take a piece of OMAklubi with you, as our trainers have developed training program called "SUPPORT WITH TRAINER"

So what does it mean?

1. If you are totally new to OMAklubi, then first we offer You the intro package FIRST FIVE training, so You would get a thorough introduction for individual training. 
2. From there our trainer will compile a training program for you based on Your goals, available training equipment and possible training volume. Trainer will stay available fo ryou during the period and interaction between both of You is bulateral. 
3. Minimally once a month You are invited to train in OMAklubi with the trainer, if You wish, so You could learn about new excercises and progress in current ones. 

Few remarks:
- program van be combined with all of the OMAklubi mamberships (ask more from our trainers), so OMA can add it to one's monthly membership. 
- if you have questions, or if You wish to discuss the possibility with our trainers, then come to first date with us
- if you wish to train at home but You don't have equipment, then we can also rent you some