You can get a good overview of the times of our small group trainings from the OMAklubi's schedule, you can also directly enter our booking system from this page. Make yourself a user there, you can immediately book a place in the class you like and buy suitable training passes.

In the schedule, you can view all training sessions or select by preferred classes, OMAtrainers or training venues. By clicking on the class, you will see the introduction to the training and OMAtrainer. In addition, you can see if there are still places in the training or if you can add yourself to the waiting list.

NB! Those who wish to join the DANCER IN A WEIGHT ROOM training group, please contact Kadi first at

NB! As our schedule is quite big then we urge you have some patience as the list downloads - it will be worth it!  
If anything is unclear then write to us or call us 509 2495.